Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Child abuse, or not?

Problems concerning Child Abuse

I have not been writing on this English version of my swedish blog for quit some time... But several of my articles on the swedish blog are referring to a growing debate in Sweden about child abuse. I personally have come accross several cases of families who have been accused of abusing their newly born babies

Recently the Swedish Supreme Court in a second similar verdict stated that a condemned father who earlier had been imprisoned should have his case gone through a second time. The problem of maldiagnosed child abuse have now been discovered by media. Above you can se the front page of Dagens Nyheter, the biggest Morning Paper in January and recently also the journalistic Magazine "Filter" wrote about this in a long article "Without my daughter" that describes a case (the one where permission by the Supreme Court to take up the case was granted which also the "pippigroup" And in the radioprogram "Kropp och Själ" gave a good description the status of the problem. The three doctors Ingemar Thiblin, Lina Davisson and Gabriel Otterman, whom I all have met where discussing the clinical and pharmaceutical implications.

Above there is a cut from Texas, USA describing one of the cases. According to "Kropp och Själ" (swedish radio program) there are more than 1000 people in the USA are put to jarl due to these accusations. There the situation is however a lot more polarized, doctors fighting each others in the courts.

We have started the organisation  RFFR, Riksförbundet för familjers rättigheter ("national organization for the rights of families"), where we already are  150 medlemmar. We hope that more people will join, more information on our website and facebook!
DN on the Mio-group 

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