Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Fatal mistakes by the Norwegian centre

Unfortunately my fears about the Norwegian election where fulfilled and the leftist government was reelected. The two parties Kristelig Folkeparti ("Christian Democrats") and Venstre ("Liberals") has not been able to adopt from the situation 1997-2005 where they succesfully ruled Norway under the Christian Democratic prime minister Kjell Magne Bondevik. Instead they have kept working against the biggest right-wing party Fremskrittspartiet. Now the voters have given their verdict, and Venstre is left with only two mandates in the Parliament "Stortinget" and their leader Sponheim has announced his resignment (VG).

Now I hope that during the coming four years the right - wing parties will be able to do a better job to open way for a non-socialist government in the future! Erna Solberg, the party leader of Høyre (the Conservatives) has so far seemed to be the only one aiming for this. It is tragic that in a country like Norway with a strong non-socialist majority, the socialistic parties anyway can stay in government, with the help of the Senterpartiet.

In Sweden, thank God, the situation is the opposite! I hope that the Swedish governing alliance will succeed as well as the Norwegian in the elections next year!

Media: DN 1,2,3, SvD 1,2,3 , VG 1,2,3,4,5,6